Vaxx Fest – A Unique Vaccination Experience
November 26, 2021 – Whitefish Lake First Nation
November 28, 2021 – Loon River First Nation
November 30, 2021 – Peerless Trout First Nation
Please join The Power of 100 and a few of our closest friends (who happen to be some MAJOR influencers on your favorite social platforms) for the BEST vaccination event you’ll ever experience. Come for the protection against COVID-19 and stay for the food, fun, and PRIZES!

One Shot Gets you a Shot at One of These (and MORE)!

First Dose, Second Dose – Doesn’t Matter
Protecting yourself from COVID is what Vaxx Fest is all about. Whether you’ve had one dose or no dose, all you need to do is show up. Please bring your Health Card and Photo ID. Even if you don’t have your health card, as long as you bring your ID, we can look you up.

Who doesn’t love Prizes??
EVERYONE who receives a vaccine dose at Vaxx Fest automatically leaves with a custom swag bag and is entered to win one of our grand prizes which includes an Oilers game package, SHANY makeup kits, $100 gift cards, wireless LED Bluetooth speaker, ring lights and more!

Meet Your Favorite Influencers
Vaxx Fest is all about getting you empowered to be your best self by giving you the opportunity to mingle with some of your favorite social media superstars in one of our interactive social media booths.
What is Vaxx Fest?
Vaxx Fest is the FIRST and ONLY vaccination experience of its kind BY Indigenous People FOR Indigenous People. Yes, you could get your COVID vaccine at any health centre, and it’s great if you have, but getting your first or second dose at Vaxx Fest is different.
“Why is it different,” you ask?
Well…good question. Being vaccinated at Vaxx Fest is like being part of an exclusive club…literally and figuratively.
Let’s talk about how it’s ACTUALLY LIKE BEING IN A CLUB. Seriously… after you register at the front desk, which only requires your Alberta Health Services Card and a Photo ID, you enter the clinic where our highly trained and SUPER AWESOME team will administer your first or second dose. This is the easiest thing you’ll ever do and it can literally SAVE YOUR LIFE.
Once you’ve endured the 5 second jab and officially become a superhero for the future generations, the REAL FUN BEGINS! For 15 minutes you’ll be able to relax in our VIP LOUNGE before you PICK UP YOUR SWAG BAG and gain access to our exclusive POWER PAVILION.
Don’t let the name fool you, our Power Pavilion has nothing to do with electricity… It’s about the feeling you’ll get when you enter a room of fellow superheros who are vibing to the music our resident DJ bumps while mingling with their favorite stars from TikTok, Instagram, and TV (did we mention one of our doctors WON The Amazing Race Canada??). The Power Pavilion is about the feeling you’ll get when you discover your inner superstar in one of our social media booths and about the buzz you’ll feel when your name is drawn for one of our big prizes which include an Oilers jersey, Amazon Echo, Amazon Firestick, $100 gift cards, aPS5 and more!
Most importantly, the Power Pavilion is the place where you get to experience the power of your choice to vaccinate against COVID as an act to protect yourself, your families, our Nations, and the Future Generations our traditional teachings urge us to act for. And the more of us who do it, who choose to fight for our future, the closer we get to achieving The Power of 100.
So… bring a friend, bring your aunty, bring your snag…bring anyone who hasn’t received their first or second dose and definitely bring your Photo ID and Health Card.
See you there!

Meet Your Favorite Influencers!
Ok…we know we’ve made you wait long enough. Here’s our incredible line up of who you can meet at Vaxx Fest!

Dallas Waskahat
Dallas Waskahat is a singer, drummer and educator who works to empower, strengthen and maintain Indigenous culture through the power of his voice, music and leadership.
IG: @waskahatdallas
TikTok: @dallas.waskahat

Team Ahkameyimok
Known across the world as Team Ahkameyimok, a word rooted in the Cree language which means “keep going and never give up,” Anthony Johnson and Dr. James Makokis are passionate about living their lives as Modern Day Warriors. This is a phrase coined by James’ late uncle Vince Steinhauer to describe an Indigenous person who tackles the challenges of the world with a ceremonial pipe in one hand and a laptop in the other. The two won Season 7 of The Amazing Race Canada and continue to share their adventures on The Marilyn Denis Show. Dr. Makokis is a co-founder of The Power of 100 and may even be helping you join the club at one of our Vaxx Fest experiences.
Anthony IG: @thePhoenixFox
James IG: @creeture82, Twitter: @DrMakokis

Fawn wood
Fawn Wood’s singing reflects her Cree and Salish tribal lineage. At an early age Fawn would sing her heart out at pow-wows alongside her mother and father. In 2006, Fawn was the first female to win the Hand Drum contest at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow. In 2009 she opened the show at the 11th Annual Native American Music Awards (NAMMYS).
IG: @fawnwood
TW: @mizz_wood
TikTok: @fawn.wood
Listen to the Vaxx Fest Radio Hour where we answer COVID related Questions

What is The Power of 100?

The Power of 100 is a movement founded by Dr. Lana Potts, a Blackfoot Family Doctor from Treaty 7, and Dr. James Makokis, a Cree Family Doctor from Treaty 6. The aim of the project is simple, but ambitious: to achieve a 100% COVID-19 vaccination rate for all First Nations in Canada.
As frontline workers, they see the devastation COVID-19 has brought to Indigenous Nations across Turtle Island and know that the vaccine prevents unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations so we can focus on what really matters: learning our languages, practicing our ceremonies, and raising our families. These efforts are only strengthened with The Power of 100.
The logo for The Power of 100 reflects the behavior of one of our sacred animals: the Buffalo.
When a herd of Buffalo faces a threat, they don’t just stand there, they take action to protect themselves. By forming a circle around their young, they ensure the preservation of their future generations, and by facing the threat head on, they empower themselves to defend against it. This is their strength and a lesson for how we can stand together to protect our future.
Each person is essential in this effort and the only way we can achieve it is to work together. This is entirely possible, and it all starts by coming to Vaxx Fest with your Photo ID and Health Card.
Come Out and Join US
Vaxx Fest Hours and Locations:
November 26, 2021
Atikameg School Gym
Whitefish Lake First Nation.
1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
November 28, 2021
Clarence Jaycox School Gym
Loon River First Nation
1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
November 30, 2021
Peerless Lake Hall
Peerless Trout First Nation
1 p.m. – 7 p.m.